On 13 November we launched a campaign to promote apprenticeships as a part of the solution to youth unemployment in the UK. The campaign was designed to hook on to the release of the monthly Labour Market Statistics from the Office of National Statistics. Primarily targeted at businesses via LinkedIn, the aim was to make the content more interactive and promote discussion as to why so few businesses took apprentices.
An initial video, designed by Neo, highlighted some of the benefits of apprentices from an employer perspective.
Another project I was working on with a separate department at UKCES was also in the process of producing a series of video case studies, showing the personal sides of apprenticeships created via the Employer Ownership Pilot. I used the comms grid to ensure that this project was completed just as we were starting our #apprenticeswork comms push, helping it synergise with our heightened focus on apprentices in our social media.
I'd also been toying with the idea of having interactive videos as a way of increasing audience engagement. We designed an interactive quiz in-house to be released alongside the benefits video.
You can also see more content from this campaign on the UKCES pinterest page |